Keywords That Produce Cash

        KEYWORD CASH  $$$                                    

Imagine a world where affiliate marketing no longer existed!

How would you ‘monetize’ your blog then?

What if your blog only got a handful of visitors per month?

How could you extract maximum cash from a minimum of visitors?

One thing I’ve gotten pretty good at is buying and selling advertising
space online in various forms.

Fact is it’s very easy to sell…(almost too easy) because everyone is looking for
easy traffic without all the SEO drama.

What if you could set up a blog and sell ad space on it within a month?

There are a tons of niches that are overlooked because of the very low level of
traffic for most all of the keywords on that niche…

One man’s trash is another man’s GOLD!!!                                                                  

Let’s take a look…

Here are a few keyword examples I found for a niche with BIG BUYING potential…

“buy boat in Florida” search results = 7

“buy ski boat in Florida” no matches found

And the list goes on…you can mix up different kinds of boats with different states
like “buy sail boat in Maine”

And it doesn’t just have to be boats…”buy a Learjet” or “buy a hang glider” = 181 results…

In these situations you’re not going to need a lot of traffic to sell ad space…

Imagine, EVEN IF you only had 10 visitors a month on a site that was ranked for “buy a LearJet”…how hard do you think it would be to sell ad space to a broker?

It’s NOT uncommon for them to pay hundreds of dollars for ads, banners and even more for leads!

Better yet you could build a list of folks interested in purchasing a 7 figure jet (or other big ticket purchases) and then contact the companies selling the big ticket items and have them pay you to send out a solo ad to your list of deep pocket jet setters.

See how easy it could be to start earning big money from your low traffic blog?(Even if you never made one affiliate sale.)

By the way…

Not only are these ‘low traffic’ blogs easier to get ranked for because nobody sees the potential (now you do), but if you monetize with ADVERTISING you can sell your blog fast and for another big payday BECAUSE these types of blogs require very little upkeep to stay put in the rankings
and there’s no product to deliver.

                                    Wanna hire us to dig up niches for you? Try us out here!